High Ercall Primary School


PE and Sport at High Ercall Primary School

At High Ercall Primary School, we aim to provide an exciting, balanced and varied programme of activities in physical education that will contribute to each child's physical and emotional development. We strive to create a positive attitude towards P.E. with correct coaching and responsibility given to the children. It is hoped that the children will gain enjoyment from physical education and pursue sporting activities in their private lives, thus promoting a healthy lifestyle.

We are a 'Gold Quality Mark school' for our PE and sports provision. This was awarded in September 2023-2024.

The school introduces children to a range of sporting activities and encourages them to appreciate how such interests can enrich their lives. A variety of activities are arranged throughout the year and children of all ages have the opportunity to participate in them.

Within the curriculum, each child takes part in at least two hours of physical activity and school sport per week. We also provide a number of ‘extra-curricular' sport sessions as we feel physical potential can be enhanced by including children in teams for internal and external competitive events. Our sports clubs through the year include - football club, netball club, summer games, rounders and cricket.

We also endeavour to build links with sports clubs in the community and sign post pupils to develop their sporting potential.

We are part of the Telford and Wrekin School Sports Partnership, and regularly enter teams in competitions within Telford. Each term we plan for a range of teams to be entered. Events include:

- Netball Development Sessions

- Football tournaments

- Gymnastics Competitions

- KS1 Athletics

- KS1 Multiskills/Ball Skills

- Basketball

- Kwik Cricket


During the Summer Term the Key Stage 2 children have a series of weekly swimming sessions at Shortwood Swimming Pool.  Our aim is for all pupils leaving the school to be able to swim at least 25m. All pupils in year 6 have the opportunity to attend Arthog Outdoor Education Centre on a school residential.

All schools are held to account over how they spend their additional, ring-fenced funding. School websites are now required to include details of their provision of PE and sport, alongside details of their broader curriculum, so that parents are able to compare the sports provision between schools, both within and beyond the school day.

At High Ercall Primary School, the impact of the sports funding premium has been:

- increased expertise of teaching staff in school through ongoing professional development from qualified sports coaches in a variety of sports.

- increased participation and success in competition through the Telford Schools Sports Partnership. This has included local competitions in archery, tennis, athletics, kwik cricket, basketball, rugby, football and netball. The children have enjoyed playing sports with children from other schools, developing their skills to apply their games knowledge in a competition situation. Funding has enabled us to transport children to events and enable equal opportunity for participation for all children.

- opportunities to take part in outdoor adventure activities using Arthog Outreach for children in Year 5. This has given children a taster of new activities such as canoeing and rock climbing, and increased confidence and team building skills prior to their residential visit in Year 6.

- increased use of equipment within school to ensure that there are plenty of opportunities for exercise and participation at break and lunch times.


Sports Premium 2023-2024

See attached document


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