High Ercall Primary School

In our OFSTED (March 23) the report stated that: High Ercall Primary is a highly motivating place to learn. Pupils love coming to school and attend regularly. They say that teachers make them feel safe, confident and happy. Leaders consistently promote and provide extensive high quality personal development opportunities for all pupils.

We are delighted that in our most recent parent / guardian survey (March 2024), a very high proportion of parents 'strongly agree' with the questionnaire statements which mimic the OFSTED Parent View website. As a parent, we would encourage you to complete the OFSTED survey in addition to our survey.



Comments from parents in our recent survey included:

I couldn't be happier with how my child has settled in to Reception.

My child really enjoys school and the teachers are brilliant.

My child loves her class. She loves school and we are really pleased with her progress.

My child has SEND needs and an EHCP - due to a great team of staff and their dedication and commitment to do the best to support my child.

There is a strong caring attitude portrayed by the children - it is good to see.

Both my children are incredibly happy at High Ercall and enjoy their learning. The school supports them emotionally and scholastically with equal measure.

Very well organised school with excellent communication.

From day one we have felt that the school is welcoming and it is a wonderful environment where my child is thriving with the excellent staff.

I feel High Ercall staff are really proactive and always seeking to improve on all areas of school life to provide a happy environment for children to thrive.


How can you talk to us if you have a worry or something to share? 

There are many ways that you can communicate with school about specific issues relating to your child's learning, or about a general issue relating to school. These include:

- Speaking to Mrs. Roberts on the playground first thing in the morning or at the end of the school day

- Talk to your child's teacher on the playground before or after school - or make an appointment for a longer or more private discussion

- Phone or email to speak to a member of staff

- Email school with a query, or use the contact us form on the website

- Attend our parent open sessions - like Mother's Day Meal  or KS1 Bridge Building

- Attend our termly Parent Conversation meetings to meet individually with your child's class teacher

- Respond to the annual parent questionnaire. See the feedback from March this year in the related documents.


We act upon all concerns or feedback, and work with you to decide the best course of action.

From the recent Parent Questionnaire, there have been a number of actions:


Parents asked for: a maths workshop

Our response: we ran a maths workshop for parents in January 2024 - to talk about how parents can support at home.


Parents asked for: Support with understanding what we teach in PSHE

Our response: A parent workshop ran in May 2024 - with the Headteacher - Sarah Roberts, PSHE lead - Lauren D'Angelillo and a local School Improvement Adviser, Sian Deane to support. This was a useful discussion and well received by parents.


Parents asked for: Prior notice of events

Our response: On the summer term newsletter, dates up to Christmas are included. The newsletter and website always have dates as far in advance as possible and key dates are set at the start of each term.


Parents asked for: more sporting events and activities for younger children

Our response: we plan sports events across school for all year groups each term - we will try to make sure we take part in KS1 events as much as KS2. Each term a sports club will be available for the younger children

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