High Ercall Primary School

Governors Meetings


Full Governing Body meetings

Our Governors meet twice a term as a full body. This enables us to discuss the priorities of the school, using the data from the term, feedback from monitoring of teaching and learning and other areas of development identified by staff, parents and children.

At the first meeting, Governors allocate Governor Review questions which they evaluate through the term. This can be through observing learning in school, looking at learning in books or evaluating data on pupil progress and attainment. The Governor findings are discussed at the second full meeting, and feed into school improvement planning.

Please see the related documents which detail examples of Governor Review questions.


Committee meetings

Governors with particular skills and strengths take roles within our two committees.

Each term there is also a Health and Safety and Safeguarding committee meeting,  and a Core committee meeting where aspects of finance, HR and asset management are discussed.

We also have a nominated Governor for Safeguarding who is R Thiara, and a nominated Governor for vulnerable children who is T Reilly.


The 'Governor timetable' details the dates for each meeting this school year, and policies which are updated through the year.