High Ercall Primary School

Try a school dinner! We have a great dinner menu on a 3 weekly rotation.

Week commencing 4.9.2024 we are following Week 1.

Mrs Bowen and her team cook all our meals on site - there is a good balance of meals on the menu, which is created by the Telford and Wrekin Catering team.

At lunch time we ensure that all the children use good manners and try to use both a knife and fork when eating their meal. We have lots of helpers - both staff and older children to help the younger children.



To view our new school lunch menu, click HERE.


Universal Infant Free School Meal (UIFSM) Offer
From September 2014, all pupils in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 in state funded schools in England have been eligible for free school meals. In Key Stage 2 (Years 3 to 6) the cost of a school meal is currently £2.60. Taking up your entitlement to this Universal Infant Free School Meal, clearly gives a substantial saving to families.
We would strongly encourage parents to take up this offer of a free hot meal for your child. We have our new school dinner menu, to ensure that there are a range of healthy hot meal options. The children in school have been consulted to ensure they have had an input into the menu rota. Of course, children may continue to bring a healthy packed lunch from home as an alternative, or you may wish to adopt a more flexible approach, by having hot dinners some days and packed lunches the next.
Pupil Premium
The pupil premium is additional funding given to state schools in England to support the learning of pupils in lower income households, and ensure that their attainment is the same as their peers. It is important that all families who are entitled to this funding make a claim through school. This funding, up until 2014, has enabled families to claim free school meals. However, it is very important to still claim this additional funding, as it also entitles children to other support in school, including: free musical tuition, and a funded place at Arthog Outdoor Educational Centre. It will further support their learning in school, as an additional £1300 per pupil is given to school to fund extra support with learning. We use this funding to:
- Run additional focused learning groups in maths and literacy. Interventions are planned specifically to support individual pupils and groups of learners
- Pay for additional reading helpers in school
- Purchase new resources to support learners
- Run additional groups focused on developing coordination and social skills.
Please see our website for more details.
Confusingly, this Pupil Premium funding is often referred to as Free School Meals – even though now all children in Key Stage 1 will be entitled to a free school meal.

If you think that you may be entitled to this additional funding to support your child at school, please contact the school office, or follow the link below which will detail further the criteria which qualifies families for extra support. The Pupil Premium is awarded to families whose receive the qualifying incomes as outlined below:

- Income support
- Income based jobseekers allowance
- Income related employment and support allowance
- Child tax credit – providing that you are not receiving work tax credit, and have an annual income of no more than £16,190
- The guarantee element of State Pension credit
- Support under the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999

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