High Ercall Primary School

What to do if you have a concern or a complaint

Come and talk to us

We hope that all our parents would feel that if they are unsure or unhappy about something they would firstly come and talk to us about it so that we can help and solve the problem.

You can:

- email the school

- phone to have a conversation with either your child's teacher or with Mrs Roberts

- come into school to make an appointment

We often find that talking about any problems at the earliest possible stage resolves the problem. Even if you think it is something quite small, please let us know so that we can help.

Anyone can make a complaint about our school - its provision or facilities or any concerns. We ask anyone who may wish to make a complaint to follow the procedure as set out in our policy.

What if I am still not happy?

If you still feel that the issue has not been addressed to your satisfaction, and you have not already spoken to Mrs Roberts, then make an appointment to come in to talk about the problem.

If you have already spoken to Mrs Roberts, and you are still unhappy, we have a clear Complaints Policy which we will follow. Please download the policy from the related documents section of this page.

What if I have a complaint about the support my child provides for my child with Special Educational Needs?

Mrs Roberts is the Headteacher and school SENCO. Please speak to Mrs Roberts in the first instance. We would be hopeful that any concern or complaint could be resolved at this point.

If you are still unhappy, please put your complaint in writing and address it to Mrs Roberts. We will then follow our complaints procedure, but for children with SEND we would ensure that it is dealt with urgency to support both the child and yourselves as parents. where a matter cannot be resolve, the Governing Body would be involved as per our policy.

Mr Reilly is our link Governor to support our more vulnerable children with SEND needs. You could also talk to a Parent Governor.

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