High Ercall Primary School

A little bit at home helps a lot at school


Across school, we ask that you help us to help your child by doing a few things regularly at home. In all the classes we ask that you can help do the following:

  • read regularly - 5 times a week and put an entry in your child's diary. As the children move into Year 3 there is an expectation that the children become more independent and fill their diary in themselves. There are sheets to support both you and your child with the sorts of comments to enter. It isn't just about the reading - but also about talking about the book and sharing what you have found out.
  • practise spellings on Edshed or word cards. Children all have weekly spellings - but not straight away in Class 1. Often in Class 1 to start with we send word cards to practise and read at home. Play games, stick them up around the house or anything which will help and make things fun. As the children get older, they have spellings to learn which follow our Spelling Scheme of Work. It is useful to look up words in dictionaries, put them into sentences, practice them on an Ipad - again anything to help and make it fun.
  • Multiplication facts. From Class 2 onwards, the children can start practising times tables. We use Times Table Rock Stars for this - which is an online game. Usually we also have a Rock Stars Day in January as a way to promote this. Each child will be set times tables relevant to their age, and ready for the Times Table check in Year 4 - when all the children should know their times tables according to the National Curriculum.
  • Maths Shed. The children from Year 1 are set a weekly activity online which is related to their maths learning that week. If our child has a problem or is finding it difficult - then please contact your child's teacher. 

Other homework

From time to time, classes might ask the children to bring something in from home, or practise a poem or lines for a play. Teachers will communicate this to the children, and often an email will come home with any details. If in doubt, ask on drop off or pick up.


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