High Ercall Primary School

Is your child is starting at our school in September 2025?

Please contact us for further details, and to book an appointment to look around our lovely school.

We operate personal show arounds at a variety of times, so please just give us a call and we will be happy to talk to you about our lovely school.

Please see the Admissions into our school page.

Class 1


                     Forest School Fun in the leaves!


If your child is starting school in September 2025:

- Please have a look at the PowerPoint on the right of this page. This has some information and pictures about Class 1, and it tells you about a day in class. We hope this will give you an opportunity to start talking about school and look together at the pictures, including those of staff.

- Please have a look at our curriculum page - Teaching EYFS - which tells you about how we organise our teaching and learning.

What happens at the start of the school day?

Mrs Carvell-Shepherd or Mrs Jordan will collect the children from the playground in the morning, and the children will line up ready on the playground. This helps them to start the morning in a calm and orderly way. All classes line up first thing in the morning and coming out with staff at the end of the day. Parents wait at the bottom of the playground.

How do I know what is going on in school?

Once the children in Reception are settled, we have a weekly open session at drop off for 10 - 15 minutes before we start phonics. This enables you to chat to staff, see the morning activities set out and engage with your child, and look at learning in books. We do change the day each term so that it suits all parents, and clearly there is no obligation to come each week! It is a nice opportunity to pop in when you can!

The website always has events coming up, and recent newsletters. A weekly newsletter comes home on a Friday either by email or a paper copy. Follow the school on twitter - weekly photos are posted with what has been going on. Text messages and emails are sent out with reminders.

What if I have a problem or a worry?

Come into school straight away to talk about it with Mrs Carvell-Shepherd, Mrs Jordan or Mrs Roberts. You can either make an appointment or phone to speak to a member of staff. If you usually use email, then use the contact us form on the website. Mrs Carvell-Shepherd and Mrs Jordan are on the playground at the end of every day so you can catch them for a quick word or to make an appointment. Mrs Machin in the office will always answer queries about payments, and most other things!

No worry is too small - so do talk to us!

How can I help at home?

In September, Mrs Jordan will run some workshops about reading, phonics, writing and maths and how you can help at home. The children will quickly come home with reading books and flash cards. Reading each day is the best way you can help.

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