High Ercall Primary School

All schools are in receipt of Pupil Premium funding. Since October 2020, all schools are also in receipt of the school-led tutoring premium. Please see below for further details about how our school is using this premium funding.


Pupil Premium
The pupil premium is additional funding given to state schools in England to support the learning of pupils in lower income households, and ensure that their attainment is the same as their peers. It is important that all families who are entitled to this funding make a claim through school.

The funding entitles children to other support in school, including: free musical tuition, support towards out Y6 residential at Arthog Outdoor Educational Centre. It will further support their learning in school, as an additional £1300 per pupil is given to school to fund extra support with learning. We use this funding to:
- Run additional focused learning groups in maths and literacy. Interventions are planned specifically to support individual pupils and groups of learners
- Pay for additional staffing to support learners

- Purchase new resources or staff training to support learners
- Run additional groups focused on developing coordination and social skills.

For service families, a sum of £300 pupil premium per child is also used to support pupils learning and remove barriers to learning which could exist due to the higher mobility of service children.

For all our children receiving pupil premium funding the main barriers to learning which can exist include:

- opportunities for developing social skills

- opportunities for learning at home to support with progress in areas such as reading

- specific maths or literacy difficulties which need to be overcome in order to make more rapid progress


Each term, the Headteacher and Governors will review pupil progress for all pupils including those in receipt of pupil premium funding. The Pupil Premium action plan for 2024-25 will be reviewed in September 2025. Please see the action planning in the Related Documents section below.


Applying for Pupil Premium Funding

Confusingly, this Pupil Premium funding is often referred to as Free School Meals – even though now all children in Key Stage 1 will be entitled to a free school meal.

If you think that you may be entitled to this additional funding to support your child at school, please contact the school office, or follow the link below which will detail further the criteria which qualifies families for extra support. The Pupil Premium is awarded to families whose receive the qualifying incomes as outlined below:

- Income support
- Income based jobseekers allowance
- Income related employment and support allowance
- Child tax credit – providing that you are not receiving work tax credit, and have an annual income of no more than £16,190
- The guarantee element of State Pension credit
- Support under the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999


Please read the related documents below which show you how we spent our funding last year, and the impact it had.



Related Documents