High Ercall Primary School

Our school vision statement:

High Expectations, High Ercall

Our vision is that High Ercall Primary School will provide a safe and secure environment, in which our children are nurtured to become happy, confident and valued as unique individuals. All our children will become resilient, self-assured and respectful of all, and thrive upon the high expectations of behaviour and learning evident across school. Our curriculum will nurture curiosity and creativity by inspiring, challenging and engaging all children. Our children will take responsibility for their learning and we will work in partnership with their parents to support their growth. They will leave us equipped with the skills to reflect upon themselves as learners, and to become resourceful young people ready to make a positive contribution to their community, their future learning and the world around them.

OFSTED Report - March 2023

Our report showed that our school values are embedded within our school:

  • High Ercall Primary School is a highly motivating place to learn.

  • Pupils love coming to school and attend regularly
  • Teachers make them feel safe, confident and happy.

  • Pupils behaviours and attitudes are usually exemplary.

The Five Rs

Pupils, teachers, teaching assistants and all other staff all contributed ideas to develop our school values. From everyone's ideas, the Five Rs were born!

Our 5Rs help us all to think about our behaviour towards each other and how we learn -values for life. They are evident across school: in our conduct, our classroom environments, our curriculum, our assemblies. You'll find them in the school entrance, in each classroom, in the hall, on every newsletter. They are celebrated in our assemblies with our 5R Stars, in our learning through our achievements and just in chats around school every day.

Pupils at High Ercall Primary School strive to be...


•Can you imagine what your finished work would be like?
•What have you changed to improve your learning?
•How does your work meet the success
•What makes you proud of your learning today?


◦What helped you to stay on task?
◦How did you keep trying?
◦Are you challenging yourself?
◦How did you overcome problems?


•Did you make good choices about how you worked?
•How do you manage your feelings so you can work well with others?
•Have you been reliable, honest and fair?
•Have you listened to and followed


•How well do you look after equipment and belongings?
•Have you shown good manners?
•Have you listened to and cared for
•Do you share with others and take turns?


•Did you make good choices about how you worked?
•How do you manage your feelings so you can work well with others?
•Have you been reliable, honest and fair?
•Have you listened to and followed instructions?


Our 5Rs link through to our British Values, and developing the spiritual, moral, social and cultural understanding of our children. This is through:

- the design of our curriculum and the links to our curriculum drivers: the 5Rs, active learning and diversity (see the curriculum pages for more details)

- the breadth of our curriculum offer, with wider opportunities for all children through: visits to the theatre (we love the New Vic at Newcastle for its productions in the round); visits linked into our topics, such as using Attingham Park locally; visitors to bring our curriculum alive; the use of our school grounds for all subjects

- assemblies - planned to give the children a breadth of experiences and understanding of different faiths, our cultural heritage and stories from diverse authors and settings

- our extended schools provision which is offered to all - this changes each term and can include cookery, gardening, football, computing, art, outside club and lots more! There is always a great take up for the clubs!

- opportunities to take part in sporting activities: we are part of the Telford Schools Partnership so compete at a range of competitions as well as some friendlies! This year it has included swimming, archery, football, athletics, basketball and netball!

- a wide range of opportunities for the children to take responsibilities and help in our school: librarians read to the youngest children; our new wellbeing warriors are being trained to help their peers; eco-warriors look after our lovely garden area, lunchtime monitors help the younger children with their dinner and the school council help to make decisions in school.

- our school environment - the care and use of our outside spaces and the responsibility we all take for the inside of our school. We have a great forest area, and super school grounds which we are continuously developing - with a focus on quiet, sensory spaces as well as active areas.