High Ercall Primary School

Headteacher's Welcome

Welcome to High Ercall Primary School! We are a caring, friendly and successful rural primary school, with 5 classes and a private provider nursery. At High Ercall we provide a safe, nurturing and stimulating environment for learning, where children grow and thrive in a supportive atmosphere of high expectation. Together we believe that children must be happy to become confident learners, and at the heart of this is our partnership with parents. Learning is fun, creative, active, and shared.

OFSTED (March 23) said: 'High Ercall Primary is a highly motivating place to learn. Pupils love coming to school and attend regularly. They say that the teachers make them feel safe, confident and happy.' 

Our broad, balanced and ambitious curriculum provides learning opportunities which are creative, exciting and challenging. Through our School Code, the '5Rs', we support our children to become Respectful, Responsible, Resourceful, Reflective and Resilient. This enables the children to become confident, successful and independent learners, with skills they can apply in their learning journey through life. The wider curriculum supports this, and ensures that the children have the knowledge, skills and experiences to prepare them for life ahead in Modern Britain.

We are proud of our children; they enjoy learning, they are supportive of each other, they are polite and respectful, they work hard and make good progress.

We hope you find the website useful. Please contact us if you have any further questions, or would like to visit the school.

Sarah Roberts