High Ercall Primary School

High Ercall Primary School Financial Information 

There are certain documents and policies which we must publish for your information. 


Charging Policy

There are some occasions where the school will charge for services provided. Please read the policy below in the related documents.


School Fund

The school fund is our bank account used for cheques and school clubs monies paid into school. This is then paid back into the school budget. We also use it to subsidise trips and support the learning of our children through purchasing additional resources.

This account is audited annually. The audit certificate is published on the website annually and a note is put in the newsletter to say when it has been uploaded.


School Financial Benchmarking

Below is a link to a Government website which benchmarks our use of financial resources against schools of a similar size.

Schools Financial Benchmarking Website


Financial Information

No school employees earn an annual gross salary of above £100,000.

Related Documents