High Ercall Primary School

OFSTED inspection - 21st March 2023


Following our inspection, I am delighted to be able to share with you the letter which has been sent to me at school. After a 1 day inspection, a letter is sent to the headteacher to confirm findings and share any recommendations for the school. This is then shared with all connected to school, and posted on the OFSTED website.

The lead inspector, Amanda Green, recognised that this is remains a good school - and the report outlines many outstanding featuresShe agreed entirely with the judgements of the school made by myself and the school Governors.

Her letter outlined many very positive features of our school including the following:

  • High Ercall Primary is a highly motivating place to learn.

  • Pupils love coming to school and attend regularly. 

  • Pupils say that the teachers make them feel safe, confident and happy.

  • Leaders expect pupils to behave well. They act quickly to support pupils to make better choices. Pupils' behaviour and attitudes are usually exemplary.

  • Leaders are determined to provide a curriculum that is ambitious for all pupils. They make sure that pupils with special educational needs access the same curriculum as their peers. This enables pupils with SEND to achieve well.

  • Leaders consistently promote and provide extensive high-quality personal development opportunities for all pupils.

  • Pupils' positive attitudes help them to learn.

  • The teaching of reading is a high priority in the school. Pupils say they love reading and talk confidently about different authors.
  • Keeping children safe is the highest priority in this school. The safeguarding leader is tenacious in following up any concerns so pupils and families get the help they need.


What do we need to improve? 

We are continuing to complete our curriculum review, so that in all our curriculum areas changes are embedded and the children begin to make links to the key concepts within each subject.


The full report is in the Related Documents below - and is published on the OFSTED website on 17th May 2023.

Follow the link below to the OFSTED website.

Click to see the current and previous inspection reports of High Ercall Primary.


Parent View

Parent View gives you the chance to tell Ofsted what you think about High Ercall school. It asks for your opinion on 12 aspects of your child’s school: from the quality of teaching, to considering how happy and safe your child feels in school.

The information you provide is used when Ofsted decide when to inspect. Parents can see what other parents have said about your school, or and view the results for any school in England.

Related Documents