High Ercall Primary School

High Ercall Primary School values the abilities and achievements of all its pupils, and is committed to providing the best possible environment for learning for ALL pupils. We recognise that many pupils will have special needs at some time during their school life.


Our OFSTED report - 21st March 2023 - stated that:

'Leaders ensure that pupils with special educational needs and / or disabilities access the same curriculum as their peers. They identify their needs accurately and provide pupils with SEND with additional support, adapting teaching and resources. These adaptations are effective at helping pupils with SEND access the curriculum. This enables pupils with SEND to achieve well.'


How do we support children with SEND?

By establishing a clear plan of provision, we believe that children can be helped to catch up and supported to access the curriculum in line with their peers. Whilst many factors contribute to the range of difficulties experienced by some children, we believe that much can be done to support our children by parents, teachers and pupils working together.

It is our ambition that all children leave High Ercall being able to read - through high quality phonics teaching and learning, then specific additional support for those children with SEND. This would include interventions such as precision teaching with a focus on phonics first.


All children at High Ercall access a broad and balanced curriculum, with good first quality teaching.

Children with SEND may have further support to access the curriculum which could include a range of adaptations, for example:

- pre-teaching of concepts such as scientific vocabulary

- alternative methods of recording to enable access to the substantive knowledge but reduce stress around recording

- TA support to record key vocabulary and knowledge during a lesson to help with retrieval of information. 


Please follow the links below for further information. 

Mrs Roberts is the Headteacher and Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) and can be contacted in school at any time by phone or email:

01952 387570

[email protected]